In the Body

Perhaps you, too, have had the exquisite experience of finding yourself at least several days deep in to a wild place with few, if any, other human companions.

Particularly at night, in a world alive with scent, movement, and sound, maybe with just a thin layer or two of nylon (and prayer) between your small ready-made-meal-of-a-body and the elemental beings, it is here you have come to understand your relational skills in ever-new, but also very ancient and incredibly real ways.

There's listening.. and there's l-i-s-t-e-n-i-n-g.

Every hair stands on end. Every organ comes to attention. Every heartbeat feels like the first, and the last. And you realize that you have never known a present so vast, visceral, and alive. And you have always known.

But it could be said that listening is different than hearing, and neither necessarily associated only with auditory experience (if at all).

And as a unique soul but with some shared human experiences who has likely encountered such a potent thing before, you perhaps already know well that not being heard (seen, understood) in our connections with others can be a confusing and painful human experience.

Something of the mysterious.. wants to emerge here.

Where do listening and hearing live in our human-centric worlds of modernity? Where do they live in our relationships? And where might more embodied, more refined listening skills serve our lives, souls, and our connections?

Are you really listening?

Listening.. In the body

Informed by an earth-based, 4-directions perspective, this afternoon workshop invites a gentle exploration, experience, and understanding of some of the more fundamental energetic patterns and interactive dynamics of human relating.

This workshop offers gentle embodied practices that take your listening skills to new levels. But it also invites new ways of being heard. Please join us.

WHERE:  In-person, at Innerlife Health Services. This workshop has capacity for 8 people.

DATE: Saturday March 16

TIME: 1 - 4:30 pm

COST:  Sliding scale $55-125 (plus GST) per person


Sourcing Energy


Cultivating Soulful Relationships