Sourcing Energy
Oh what a feeling!
You have likely noticed too that we humans, pretty regularly, inadvertently recapitulate systemic patterns that mine and meter energy in, often, unsustainable and degenerative ways. It's not too challenging to see the collective impact of centuries of old damaging habits we have developed.
And, tragically, we often unconsciously play some of these patterns out similarly in our relationships with one another.
In a very real and practical way, to first sit in the aliveness of our own wild emotional and somatic storm, to feel it fully, and to understand and embrace its natural medicine before speaking or acting from it, is to begin to transform not only our internal energetic grid, but also to reshape our relationships with each other and the world around us. This skill and practice upends capitalism; it heals and restores essential ecosystems; it affirms life.
There's feeling.. and there's f-e-e-l-i-n-g.
It could be said that responding is different than reacting, and is systemic in nature. So when our feeling systems (internal and external) are under-developed, weakened, or in need of more capacity to handle an increase in load, power surges and outages are common.
As a unique soul but with some shared human experiences who has likely encountered such a potent thing before, you perhaps already know well that reacting in our connections with others or having someone react to us can be a confusing and painful human experience.
Something of the mysterious.. wants to emerge here.
Where does responding live in our human-centric worlds of modernity? Where does it live in our relationships? And where might more embodied, more refined responding skills serve our lives, souls, and our connections?
Are you really responding?
Responding.. Sourcing Energy
Informed by an earth-based, 4-directions perspective, this afternoon workshop invites a gentle exploration of fundamental energetic patterns and interactive dynamics in human relating.
This workshop offers gentle embodied practices that hone your responding skills. But it also invites new ways of being responded-to. Please join us.
WHERE: In-person, at Innerlife Health Services. This workshop has capacity for 8 people.
DATE: Sunday May 12
TIME: 1 - 4:30 pm
COST: Sliding scale $55-125 (plus GST) per person